Patents and Certificates

Telecommunication protected complex of special communication "Garant-TK"

Utility model patent

No. 146369

from 02/17/2021

Secure laptop for processing information with limited access

Industrial design patent

No. 41707 dated 06/10/2020

Secure printer for printing text or other graphic information with limited access

Industrial design patent

No. 41019 dated January 27, 2020

Computer program “Software for formatting SD memory cards “SD Card Format”

(SD Card Format software)

Certificate of copyright registration for the work

No. 91100

from 30.07.2019

The information is published in the official

Bulletin No. 54 dated September 27. 2019, page 353

Computer program "Guaranteed File Removal Software"

Certificate of copyright registration for the work

No. 90858 dated 07/17/2019

The information is published in the official

Bulletin No. 54 dated September 27. 2019 on pages 257-258

The receiving-transmitting device of the radio relay station of special communication of the millimeter range

Utility model patent

No. 135686 dated 07/10/2019

A method of evaluating the performance of a tropospheric radio relay station with a complex signal

Utility model patent

No. 132496 dated February 25, 2019

The method of determining parameters of hydrogen concentration in air by an integral optical chemical absorption sensor

Utility model patent

No. 132344 dated February 25, 2019

Computer program "Software for calculating the criticality ratio of information and telecommunication systems" ("Calculation of the criticality ratio")

Certificate of copyright registration for the work

No. 81321 dated September 10, 2018

The information is published in the official

bulletin No. 50 dated 26.10. 2018 on pages 542-543

The receiving-transmitting device of the radio relay station

Utility model patent

No. 127322 dated 07/25/2018

Declaratory patent for a secret utility model

No. 64 dated 20.11.2017

Filter for special protection of analog telephone lines of station equipment "Garant-FT"

Utility model patent

No. 120503 dated November 10, 2017

The method of transmission of digital information by tropospheric line of special communication

Utility model patent

No. 119898 dated 10.10.2017

Bulletin No. 54 dated September 27. 2019, page 353

A secure cabinet for placing restricted access information processing equipment

Industrial design patent

No. 34425 dated 05/10/2017

A device for processing information with limited access

Utility model patent

No. 109798 dated September 12, 2016